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Meet the Team

Becky Tomkins, Project Lead

My job is:

...I set up, run and oversee the GROWS Uni Connect programme in Gloucestershire

I love working for GROWS because… 

...I have seen it evolve from an idea into a successful and supportive programme of activities and events that really do inspire young people about their future options.

I studied:

Geography and Sociology at the University of Gloucestershire

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would… 

...think a bit more about what’s out there, and not follow the crowd, research a bit more on courses and not just carry on from my A-levels with the same subjects.


Catherine Wilks, Widening Participation Officer
My job is:

I put together and deliver activities and resources to help young people and their parents find out more about their future options when they turn 16 and 18, with a particular focus on university.

I love working for GROWS because… 

...I love doing a job that can make a difference to someone's life and their future. 

I studied: 

Education Studies and History at Keele University.

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would…

...probably do something I'd never done before! I chose History because I did it at A-Level but I wish now I had chosen something I hadn't done so I could learn about a new subject area.


Fran Boughton, Project Officer
My job is: 

To organise fun events and experiences for pupils and parents that show the value of higher education.

I love working for GROWS because… 

...I get the opportunity to create experiences from scratch working with subject experts and then see the impact on delivery to pupils.

I studied: 

Consumer Marketing at Leeds Metropolitan University.

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would… 

...not change much. I might have worked harder for my GCSEs to improve my predicted grades for A-levels!


George Shanly, Widening Participation Officer
My job is:

I plan and deliver projects, develop activities and resources and generate reports.

I love working for GROWS because…

...I’m really passionate about peoples' opportunity to transform their future options.

I studied:

Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Nottingham where I wrote a dissertation on crisps!

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would… to study Sociology and maybe Coding!


Ania Hartsoe, Progression Advisor
My job is:

I meet with students in Years 9 - 12 to explore career ideas and  talk about their plans after school.

I love working for GROWS because...

...I get to support young people in making better-informed decisions about their future.

I studied:

International Trade at Lodz University

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would...

...most likely study linguistics which is the scientific study of human language.  I love learning languages and find things like grammar, phonetics or sentence and word structure fascinating! 


Claire Cookson, Data and Evaluation Officer
My job is:

I help look after the data we collect, including the analysis and reporting. l put together surveys and run focus groups to find out what students think about going to university and the activities we provide.

I love working for GROWS because... is very satisfying to know that the data we collect and analyse about students' experiences can help improve what we do and potentially change someone's life.

I studied:

Geography at the University of Gloucestershire

If I could choose my FE and HE options now I would...

...try something new. There are so many more interesting subjects and courses to study now compared to when I was at school.
